
Topic Highlight

Race and Ethnicity

Race refers to the grouping of peoples based on perceived shared physical characteristics. Ethnicity refers to the grouping of peoples based on shared social and cultural traits.

Not all youth of color who experience online racism are affected by it in the same way and one factor that may promote resilience online are racial identity beliefs.”

Henry Willis, PhD From the #AskTheExperts webinar “Anxiety: Youth Mental Health and Digital Media”

On Race and Ethnicity

Events and Speaker Series

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Ask the Experts—Webinar

Technical Interference: Screens and the Parent-Child Relationship

How is today's digital world influencing the parent-child relationship? How do parents' own tech habits impact their children?

Social Relationships



Our Impact

We seek fundamental insights into how kids and families engage with digital media and how these technology-mediated interactions affect their cognitive, psychological, social, behavioral and physical development. 

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