
Topic Highlight

Video Gaming

A video game is an electronic game that produces feedback about a virtual environment through an interactive user interface. Played by children and adults of all ages, video games vary widely in their content, format, and type, may be single-player or multi-player, and can be played online or offline.

As parents, it’s very important that you take a more curious stance toward video games…putting practical tips in place to ensure that gaming doesn’t become a problem or you reduce it if it has."

Cam Adair From the #AskTheExperts webinar “Win or Lose: What to do About Video Gaming”

On Video Gaming

Events and Speaker Series

Our in-person and virtual events bridge the knowledge gap between researchers, clinicians, educators, parents, and families. See all events.

Ask the Experts—Webinar

Growing Up Lonely? Child Connection and Isolation in the Digital Age

Are today’s children lonelier than past generations? How are digital devices and social media shaping their ability to connect, and what does that mean for their long-term emotional and social well-being?

Social Relationships
Mental Health
Social Media



Our Impact

We seek fundamental insights into how kids and families engage with digital media and how these technology-mediated interactions affect their cognitive, psychological, social, behavioral and physical development. 

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