Parent Media Use, Technoference, and Its Effects on Children | Brandon McDaniel, PhD
Finding Words: Language Development and Screen Use
How does digital media exposure affect the development of language and communication skills in young children ages 0-5 years old?
ADHD, Children, and Digital Media
What information and tools should parents and caregivers know about to best support children with ADHD around media use and overuse?
Boys, Health, and Digital Media
Digital media's effects on boys' health and development: a guide from the experts
Child Sexual Exploitation and Abuse Online: Virtual World, Real Victims
How can parents and caregivers help youth avoid the most common exploitation and abuse scenarios they may face online?
Early Childhood Development and Screen Use | Dimitri Christakis, MD, MPH
Safe Zone: Children and Online Safety
What can parents and caregivers do to equip youth with the skills and protections needed to keep themselves safe online?
Attention, Media Use, and Children
A guide from the experts on digital media's effects on youth attention.