Persuasive design, stealth advertising, advergames and paid influencers…parents and caregivers today grapple with increasingly complex and sophisticated strategies of marketing and advertising to children. How are these techniques impacting youth and what is being done about it?
Children and Screens held the #AskTheExperts webinar “Captive Market: Protecting Children in the New World of Online Advertising” on Wednesday, March 1, 2023 at 12pm ET via Zoom. A panel of researchers, child development experts, and industry watchdogs explored children’s experiences with hidden online advertising and its influences on their attitudes and behaviors, how youth data is collected and used for targeted marketing, and what parents and policymakers can or should do to safeguard children online.
Bonnie Patten, Esq.
Executive DirectorModerator -
Susan Linn, EdD
Lecturer in Psychiatry; Research Associate -
Michelle Rosenthal, Esq.
Senior Staff Attorney -
Omni Cassidy, PhD
Assistant Professor of Population Health