
Andrew J. L. Abikzer, Founder and CEO of the Youths for Youths Foundation, is a 17-year-old visionary and advocate, championing the transformative potential of integrating sports and technology. Motivated by a deep concern for the mental and physical well-being of our youth, Andrew is determined to break the cycle of screen addiction. He recognizes the detrimental effects excessive screen time can have on the mental health of the most vulnerable individuals in our society. Youths for Youths endeavors to instill a love for play and authentic connections among young people, addressing the adverse impacts of digital overconsumption.

Through donations of sports equipment and toys, the Youths for Youths Foundation has positively impacted the lives of over 10,000 individuals, igniting joy, laughter, and boundless possibilities among the next generation of youth leaders. Andrew envisions a future where digital mindfulness supplants screen addiction, fostering genuine connections among the youth and safeguarding their mental health.

I’m planning to manage my screen time more mindfully. I want to strike a balance between technology  and real-life experiences. Personally, I’ll be dedicating more time to volleyball training, going to the gym,  and doing outdoor activities with my family or friends. Simultaneously, I’ll continue the hard work with  my foundation, Youths for Youths, to help fellow youths develop a passion for sports. We are committed  to helping to liberate the younger generation from the grip of screen addiction.

If there’s one thing to enhance in digital media, it would be to create a safer and more respectful online  space. Taking measures against cyberbullying and promoting positive interactions would truly uplift the  online world. Equally important is recognizing that screen addiction is a real problem, especially among  youth, and it needs to be taken seriously before it spirals out of our control.

I believe the most critical issue is mental health in relation to technology. The pressure to constantly be  online, comparing oneself to others, and the addictive nature of social media can seriously impact  mental well-being.

I’m hopeful about the potential for positive change. Many young people are recognizing that technology  has opened doors for easy access to infinite knowledge, but it has also revealed a darker side that  impacts our mental health. Numerous youths are actively advocating for healthier digital environments  and using technology to raise awareness about critical mental health and social issues.

I’m genuinely concerned about the excessive screen time young people are experiencing. It feels like  we’re consistently immersed in this ‘digital world’ where unrealistic ideals of happiness and beauty  distort our perceptions, contributing to mental health challenges. Furthermore, this continuous exposure  to screens seems to be eroding our genuine human connections. I’m also troubled by the profound  impact of misinformation online. It’s alarming to witness how effortlessly it shapes opinions and beliefs,  creating widespread concern due to its influential reach.

When it comes to digital media, my advice for fellow young people is to maintain control. Don’t let [digital media] dictate your life. It’s crucial to make informed decisions based on fact-checking before sharing anything  online. And remember, taking breaks to enjoy life beyond screens is essential for a balanced and  healthy lifestyle.

There’s certainly big differences in how we and the older generation see technology. They might not  completely grasp how deeply the online world affects our lives, like the impact on our social interactions  and mental well-being. For instance, one notable difference lies in our reliance on technology for  socializing; while they used to connect more in person, we tend to navigate our social lives more online.  Also, our generation is more aware of the mental health repercussions of excessive screen time, which  might not have been as evident for them. What I’d like them to understand is how integral digital spaces  have become in shaping our daily experiences and the need for a balanced approach to technology  use.

I believe parents and caregivers can guide their children toward healthy digital habits by fostering open  communication, setting clear boundaries, and being role models with their own tech use. Encouraging  unplugged playtime and mindful social media use positively shape young minds by demonstrating  responsible digital behavior. For parents of young children, it’s crucial not to use digital media as a sole  means to keep kids occupied. When using digital media with kids, it should be purposeful and  meaningful.

About the 2024 Digital Media Youth Voices Campaign

#DigitalMediaYouthVoices24 provides a glimpse into the hopes and concerns of youth leaders in the digital space. Using their own words, the campaign aims to elevate and amplify the voices of youth themselves as they work to create a healthy digital future.