
Yoelle Gulko is a documentary filmmaker, entrepreneur, and well-being activist from NYC, directing films about human connection. She is the creator and director of the upcoming film “Our Subscription to Addiction,” awarded grant funding and mentorship from Netflix’s The Social Dilemma, the prestigious Responsible Technology Youth Power Fund, and

The film captures her raw experience growing up with phone addiction and her discovery of a youth-led digital well-being movement. She is also a current Senior at Washington University in St. Louis studying Organization and Strategic Management.

To continue to remain in control of my relationship with my phone.

For it to be designed with the best interests of the humans using them. For the business  model to prioritize people over profit.

In the current digital world, social media platforms are psychologically addicting young  children. They’re being bred into a world of addiction they never signed up for. When they  download Instagram, for example, there’s no warning label like there would be on  cigarettes. It appears an innocent way to connect with friends, until its 5 years later and its  psychological grip on your brain is relentless. Being unintentionally raised on addiction causes young people to lose their sense of agency in their lives. In a world of constant  comparison, young people feel isolated and unworthy.

Experiment! Make bold choices in actively evaluating your relationship with your phone. If  it involves powering down your phone completely when it feels like you’re out of control,  do it. It’s not entirely your fault, as it was psychologically designed to be addictive. But you  truly do have the power to decide what happens next.

Set the example. Show was positive screen time habits look like so your child can mirror it.

About the 2024 Digital Media Youth Voices Campaign

#DigitalMediaYouthVoices24 provides a glimpse into the hopes and concerns of youth leaders in the digital space. Using their own words, the campaign aims to elevate and amplify the voices of youth themselves as they work to create a healthy digital future.