Time:  Dec 06, 2023
Location:  12:00 PM - 1:30 PM
Location:  Virtual

Generative AI technologies like ChatGPT are changing the nature of online communications, work, creativity, and learning at a dizzying pace.  What are the implications to children’s rights and safety from unfettered access to these powerful and largely unregulated technologies? What are the impacts to children’s social and cognitive development in this new, turbocharged Internet?

Children and Screens hosted the #AskTheExperts webinar “AI and Children: Risks and Opportunities of the Enhanced Internet” on December 6, 2023. A panel of policy and child development specialists explored the new frontiers of the AI-enhanced internet, outlined its challenges and opportunities for children, and provided parents and families with a primer on guiding children’s use of generative AI  technology with thoughtful dialogue and understanding.


  • Naomi Baron, PhD

    Professor Emerita of Linguistics, American University
  • Steven Vosloo, MCom

    Digital Foresight and Policy Specialist, UNICEF
  • Ying Xu, PhD

    Assistant Professor of Learning Sciences and Technology, University of Michigan
  • Christine Bywater, MA

    Assistant Director, Center To Support Excellence in Teaching (CSET), Project Lead, CRAFT, Stanford Graduate School of Education
  • Tracy Pizzo Frey, MBA

    Senior Advisor, Common Sense Media

Video and Resources

Watch a recording of the webinar "AI and Children: Risks and Opportunities of the Enhanced Internet," read the transcript, and view other related content in Learn and Explore.