Time:  Dec 11, 2024
Location:  12:00 PM - 1:30 PM

The escalating adolescent mental health crisis has been met with a new array of options for direct youth access to mental health care online via apps, virtual visits with health professionals, and other digital therapies. What do youth think about these resources and how do they engage with them? How can youth, parents, and caregivers identify apps that are effective and appropriate?

Children and Screens held the #AskTheExperts webinar “Mental Health Apps, ChatBots, and Digital Therapy for Kids: What You Need to Know” on Wednesday December 11, 2024 at 12pm ET.  An expert panel of psychologists, researchers, and behavioral health experts shared the current landscape of online mental health care for youth. They explored how these resources are being accessed by diverse youth from both privileged and underserved communities, how they reflect traditional models, what new possibilities are emerging,  and the benefits and potential risks for youth seeking support online.


  • Vaile Wright, PhD

    Senior Director, Health Care Innovation, American Psychological Association
  • Henry Willis, PhD

    Assistant Professor, Clinical Psychology Program, University of Maryland, College Park
  • Elsa Friis, PhD

    Head of Mental Health, Alongside
  • Ava Shropshire

    Youth Advisor, Alongside; Neuroscience Student at Washington University
  • Stephen Schueller, PhD

    Professor of Psychological Science and Informatics, University of California, Irvine
  • Nicole Martinez-Martin, JD, PhD

    Assistant Professor, Department of Pediatrics, Stanford Center for Biomedical Ethics

Video and Resources

Watch a recording of the #AskTheExperts webinar "Mental Health Apps, ChatBots, and Digital Therapy for Kids: What You Need to Know," read the transcript, and view additional resources in Learn and Explore.