• Virtual
    Ask the Experts—Webinar

    The Rise of “Dr. Google:” Youth and Online Health Information

    As youth increasingly access health information online, what kinds of information are they encountering online and how accurate is it?

    Social Media
    Media Literacy
    Mental Health
    Physical Health
  • Virtual
    Ask the Experts—Webinar

    The Lure of Loot: Gambling and Manipulative Design in Youth Video Games

    Video games popular with youth increasingly contain gambling features and other design elements intended to entice children to spend real money in games - how is this impacting kids? What can be done about it?

    Video Gaming
    Digital Addiction
    Ethical Design
    Mental Health
  • Virtual
    Ask the Experts—Webinar

    Bringing Up Boys in a Digital World

    How does the prevalence of pornography, video games, and violent media content affect boys’ mental health and behaviors, and how can parents and educators help male youth engage more thoughtfully with the media influences in their lives?

    Digital Addiction
    Mental Health
    Social Media
  • Virtual
    Ask the Experts—Webinar

    Media Violence and Its Impact on Youth

    How does repeated exposure to graphic and violent movies, news, social media, television shows, and video games affect children's behavior and mental health?

    Violent Content
    Mental Health
    Video Gaming
  • Virtual
    Ask the Experts—Webinar

    The Good, the Bad, and the Filtered: A Social Media Primer for Parents

    Experts provide a practical “how-to,” breaking down what parents really need to know about social media platforms.

    Social Media
    Media Literacy
    Mental Health
    Sexual Content
  • Virtual
    Ask the Experts—Webinar

    12 to 18: Coming of Age Online

    Teens are frequently accused of always being on their phones or being addicted to their technology, but what are the real impacts of all of their device use?

    Social Media
    Mental Health
    Physical Health
    Video Gaming
  • Virtual
    Ask the Experts—Webinar

    5 to 11: Keeping the Training Wheels on Tech

    How to help children navigate technology and media use during a critical stage in their development - middle childhood (ages 5 to 11).

    Social Relationships
    Mental Health
    Physical Health
  • Virtual
    Ask the Experts—Webinar

    Beyond Clicks and Comments: A Broad View of Technology’s Impacts on Our Society

    What are the the implications of digital media's influence on our society? What do we need to learn about one of the most crucial, pervasive, and ubiquitous aspects of our society today?

    Civic Engagement
    Education & Learning
    Ethical Design
    Mental Health
    8 Speakers
  • Virtual
    Ask the Experts—Webinar

    Social Media Exposed: Where To Go From Here?

    What should we do to protect children and teens engaged with social media?

    Social Media
    Media Literacy
    Mental Health
    Social Relationships