• Hilton Washington DC National Mall
  • Virtual
    Ask the Experts—Webinar

    Screen Extremes: Children and Digital Addictions

    Many children and teens spend several hours daily on screens for entertainment. When does heavy use of digital media turn into an addiction, and what can parents do?

    Digital Addiction
    Mental Health
    Sleep Health
    Video Gaming
  • Virtual
    Ask the Experts—Webinar

    Ready, Set, Smartphone: A Guide for Families

    How should families determine whether a child is “ready” for a smartphone?

    Social Relationships
  • Virtual
    Ask the Experts—Webinar

    On Boredom: Screen Time, Free Time, and Child Development

    What *is* boredom exactly and what role does it play in cognition and development?

    Brain and Cognition
    Character Development
  • Virtual
    Ask the Experts—Webinar

    Engaged for Change: Youth, Digital Spaces, and Social Movements

    How is digital media providing unique ways for youth to advocate for more positive outcomes for themselves and their peers?

    Civic Engagement
    Character Development
  • Virtual
    Ask the Experts—Webinar

    The Social Brain on Screens

    What are the functions of the social brain in childhood and what strategies can encourage healthy social development in youth?

    Media Literacy
    Social Media
    Social Relationships
  • Virtual
    Ask the Experts—Webinar

    Taken to Extremes: Online Radicalism, Polarization, and Youth

    How do extremists target youth? How does digital media impact polarization, and what steps can we take to limit the features of digital media that contribute to extremism in youth?

    Social Media
    Media Literacy
  • Virtual
    Ask the Experts—Webinar

    Captive Market: Protecting Children in the New World of Online Advertising

    How does hidden online advertising impact children's attitudes and behaviors? How and why is youth data collected, and what can or should be done to safeguard children online?

    Social Media
    Advertising and Marketing
    Ethical Design
    Media Literacy
  • Virtual
    Ask the Experts—Webinar

    Social Media and Drugs: What Parents Need to Know

    A glimpse into the world of teens and drugs on social media, and practical information to increase awareness and ability to safeguard adolescents and teens

    Social Media
    Physical Health