Ask the Experts—Webinar
New School? Promises and Risks of AI in the Classroom
As powerful AI tools are deployed in classrooms nationwide, what should parents and educators know about the risks and opportunities specific to children using them in educational settings?
Artificial Intelligence (AI)Brain and CognitionEducation & LearningEmerging TechnologySpeakersMark Warschauer, PhD
Distinguished Professor of Education, University of California, Irvine
Judith Danovitch, PhD
Professor of Psychological and Brain Sciences, University of Louisville
Adam Dubé, PhD
Associate Professor of Learning Sciences, McGill University
Mathilde Cerioli, PhD
Chief Scientist, everyone.AI
Amanda Bickerstaff, MS Ed
Co-Founder and CEO of AI for Education
Ask the Experts—Webinar
Unreal: Online Misinformation, Deep Fakes, and Youth
How can parents, caregivers, and educators help children think critically and develop skills to navigate misinformation and deep fakes in their digital lives?
Media LiteracyBrain and CognitionSpeakersDiana Graber
Author, "Raising Humans in a Digital World,"; Founder, Cyber Civics and Cyberwise
Imran Ahmed
Founder and CEO, Center for Countering Digital Hate
Joel Breakstone, PhD
Executive Director, Digital Inquiry Group
Andrew Shtulman, PhD
Professor of Psychology, Occidental College
Rakoen Maertens, PhD
Juliana Cuyler Matthews Junior Research Fellow in Psychology, New College, University of Oxford
Ask the Experts—Webinar
Finding Words: Language Development and Screen Use
How does digital media exposure affect the development of language and communication skills in young children ages 0-5 years old?
Brain and CognitionEducation & LearningSpeakersKathy Hirsh-Pasek, PhD
Lefkowitz Faculty Fellow in Psychology, Temple University; Senior Fellow, Brookings Institution
Rebecca Dore, PhD
Director of Research, Crane Center for Early Childhood Research and Policy, The Ohio State University
Sarah Kucker, PhD
Assistant Professor of Psychology, Southern Methodist University
Angie Neal, MS
Speech Language Pathologist, Policy Advisor for Speech-Language Pathology and Early Literacy, South Carolina Department of Education
Ask the Experts—Webinar
ADHD, Children, and Digital Media
What information and tools should parents and caregivers know about to best support children with ADHD around media use and overuse?
NeurodiversityBrain and CognitionSpeakersCarey Heller, PsyD
Licensed Psychologist, Heller Psychology Group
Shelley Haven, ATP, RET, BSME
Assistive Technology Consultant, Technology to Unlock Potential
Clifford Sussman, MD
Child, Adolescent, and Adult Psychiatrist; Gaming and Internet Use Disorder Specialist; Clinical Instructor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Science, George Washington University
Anthony Yeung, MD, FRCPC, DRCSPC
Clinical Assistant Professor, Department of Psychiatry, University of British Columbia
Ask the Experts—Webinar
Driven to Distraction: Media Use, Attention and Cognition
How do hours spent daily on digital media affect children’s attention spans, multitasking skills, and cognitive functions? How are digital platforms affecting how youth interact with the real world?
Brain and CognitionAdvertising and MarketingDigital AddictionEducation & LearningSocial MediaSpeakersNicholas Carr
Author, Journalist
Susanne Baumgartner, PhD
Associate Professor, Amsterdam School of Communication Research
Taína Coleman, MA, MEd
Educational Specialist, Learning and Development Center, Child Mind Institute
Tzipi Horowitz-Kraus, PhD
Associate Professor, Educational Neuroimaging Group, Faculty of Education in Science and Technology, Faculty of Biomedical Engineering, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology
Tracy Markle, MA, LPC
Founder & Director, Digital Media Treatment & Education Center, Collegiate Coaching Services
Ask the Experts—Webinar
Nurturing the Neurodivergent: Unique Considerations for Youth Screen Use
What should parents and caregivers know about the unique risks and opportunities for neurodivergent youth when introducing and monitoring the use of digital media?
NeurodiversityBrain and CognitionParentingSocial RelationshipsSpeakersMeryl Alper, PhD
Associate Professor of Communication Studies, Northeastern University
Abigail Phillips, MLIS, SLIS, PhD
Assistant Professor, School of Information Studies, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Annuska Zolyomi, PhD
Assistant Professor of Computing and Software Systems, University of Washington Bothell
Kristen Harrison, PhD
Richard Cole Eminent Professor, Hussman School of Journalism and Media, University of North Carolina
LaChan Hannon, PhD
Director of Teacher Preparation and Innovation, Department of Urban Education, Rutgers University Newark; Co-founder, Greater Expectations Teaching and Advocacy Center Inc
2023 Digital Media and Developing Minds International Scientific Congress
27 Topics45 Speakers -
Ask the Experts—Webinar
On Boredom: Screen Time, Free Time, and Child Development
What *is* boredom exactly and what role does it play in cognition and development?
Brain and CognitionCharacter DevelopmentSpeakersAndreas Elpidorou, PhD
Professor of Philosophy; Director of the Liberal Studies Program
James Danckert, PhD
Professor of Cognitive Neuroscience; Cognitive Neuroscience Research Area Head
Susan Matt, PhD
Presidential Distinguished Professor of History
Natalie Spencer Gwyn, PhD
Core Faculty
Caley Arzamarski, PhD, NCSP
Psychologist; Clinical Assistant Professor, Child & Adolescent Psychiatry
Ask the Experts—Webinar
Zero to Five: Eeny, Meeny, Mighty Tech
What happens to the foundational cognitive, psychosocial, emotional and physical developmental needs during the critical first five years that may be challenged or enhanced by media?
Social RelationshipsBrain and CognitionEducation & LearningParenting7 Speakers