Ask the Experts—Webinar
Growing Up Lonely? Child Connection and Isolation in the Digital Age
Are today’s children lonelier than past generations? How are digital devices and social media shaping their ability to connect, and what does that mean for their long-term emotional and social well-being?
Social RelationshipsMental HealthSocial MediaSpeakersJulianne Holt-Lunstad, PhD
Professor of Psychology and Neuroscience, Director of the Social Connections Lab, Brigham Young University
Jeffrey Hall, PhD
Professor of Communication Studies, University of Kansas
Khadijah B. Watkins, MD, MPH, DFAACAP
Director, Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Residency Training, Associate Director, The Clay Center for Young Healthy Minds, Massachusetts General Hospital/Harvard Medical School
Milena Batanova, MA, PhD
Director of Research and Evaluation at Making Caring Common, a project of the Harvard Graduate School of Education
Ask the Experts—Webinar
Nurturing the Neurodivergent: Unique Considerations for Youth Screen Use
What should parents and caregivers know about the unique risks and opportunities for neurodivergent youth when introducing and monitoring the use of digital media?
NeurodiversityBrain and CognitionParentingSocial RelationshipsSpeakersMeryl Alper, PhD
Associate Professor of Communication Studies, Northeastern University
Abigail Phillips, MLIS, SLIS, PhD
Assistant Professor, School of Information Studies, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Annuska Zolyomi, PhD
Assistant Professor of Computing and Software Systems, University of Washington Bothell
Kristen Harrison, PhD
Richard Cole Eminent Professor, Hussman School of Journalism and Media, University of North Carolina
LaChan Hannon, PhD
Director of Teacher Preparation and Innovation, Department of Urban Education, Rutgers University Newark; Co-founder, Greater Expectations Teaching and Advocacy Center Inc
2023 Digital Media and Developing Minds International Scientific Congress
27 Topics45 Speakers -
Ask the Experts—Webinar
Ready, Set, Smartphone: A Guide for Families
How should families determine whether a child is “ready” for a smartphone?
ParentingSocial RelationshipsSpeakersElizabeth Englander, PhD
Director; Professor of Psychology
Meryl Alper, PhD
Associate Professor of Communication Studies
Stephen Balkam
Founder & CEO
Devorah Heitner, PhD
Elizabeth Milovidov, PhD, JD
Ask the Experts—Webinar
The Social Brain on Screens
What are the functions of the social brain in childhood and what strategies can encourage healthy social development in youth?
Media LiteracySocial MediaSocial RelationshipsSpeakersMoriah Thomason, PhD
Barakett Associate Professor and Director of Pediatric Neuroimaging; Vice Chair for Research
Eva Telzer, PhD
Co-Director; Associate Professor of Psychology and Neuroscience
Shimi Kang, MD, FRCPC
Psychiatrist; Best-selling author of The Tech Solution; Clinical Associate Professor
Georgene Troseth, PhD
Professor of Psychology
Ask the Experts—Webinar
(dis)Connected? Relationships in the Digital Age
With increasing reliance on digital platforms for interaction, how are relationships changing? How do we promote personal connections in the context of near-ubiquitous use of smartphones and other technologies?
ParentingSexual ContentSocial RelationshipsSpeakersKaren Shackleford, PhD
Editor; Faculty
Brandon T. McDaniel, PhD
Senior Research Scientist
Rebecca Tukachinsky Forster, PhD
Associate Professor of Communication
Chia-Chen Yang, PhD
Associate Professor of Educational Psychology
Megan Maas, PhD
Assistant Professor of Human Development & Family Studies
Ask the Experts—Webinar
PITR, IKR?: Youth and Communication in the Digital Age
The latest research (and perspectives from teens themselves) on trends in youth digital communication and tips for creating positive and connection-centered communication online or offline.
Social MediaMedia LiteracyPrivacySocial RelationshipsSpeakersAnn Cameron, PhD
Honorary Emerita Professor of Psychology; Emerita Professor
Sherry Turkle, PhD
Abby Rockefeller Mauzé Professor of the Social Studies of Science and Technology; Founding Director, MIT Initiative on Technology and Self
Sebastian Wachs, PhD
Deputy Professor for Education and Socialization Theory; Honorary Research Fellow
Richard Guerry
Founder and Executive Director
Ask the Experts—Webinar
The Golden Rule: Cultivating Kindness and Character Online
How can we help children develop moral character and values such as kindness and compassion online and offline?
Character DevelopmentCivic EngagementSocial MediaSocial RelationshipsSpeakersStephen Post, PhD
Director; Professor of Family, Population and Preventive Medicine
Thomas Lickona, PhD
Professor Emeritus of Education; Director
Richard Weissbourd, EdD
Senior Lecturer on Education; Faculty Director
Eva Telzer, PhD
Co-Director; Associate Professor of Psychology and Neuroscience,
Ask the Experts—Webinar
The Birds and the Bees: Sexuality and Screens
Media is playing an increased role in shaping youth sexual education and norms - what are kids seeing online? Experts share research and practical strategies on how to navigate parent-child conversations about media and still-developing sexual interests, identities, and behaviors.
Social MediaLGBTQIA+Sexual ContentSocial RelationshipsSpeakersMichelle Drouin, PhD
Professor; Senior Research Scientist
Shelley Craig, PhD, RSW, LCSW
Canada Research Chair; Professor
Jo Robertson MScMed (Sex Therapy)
The Light Project Research & Training Lead
Sharon Maxwell, PhD
Psychologist, Author, Educator
Cindy Pierce, MEd
Author, Speaker, Sexuality Educator and Comic Storyteller, self-employed