Scholarly Articles
Video Gaming, Violence, and Gambling: Summary and Recommendations
Summary and Recommendations found in the "Handbook of Children and Screens: Digital Media, Development, and Well-Being from Birth Through Adolescence," Part Three: Digital Domains, Video Gaming, Violence, and Gambling Section (pages 569-603)
Scholarly Articles
Race, Racism, and Digital Media: Summary and Recommendations
Summary and Recommendations found in the "Handbook of Children and Screens: Digital Media, Development, and Well-Being from Birth Through Adolescence," Part Two: Research on How Media Influence Relationships, Family, Culture, and Society, Race, Racism, and Digital Media Section (pages 263-316)
Scholarly Articles
Problematic Use of the Internet: Summary and Recommendations
Summary and Recommendations found in the "Handbook of Children and Screens: Digital Media, Development, and Well-Being from Birth Through Adolescence," Part One: Research Concerning Cognitive, Physical, Mental, and Psychosocial Impacts on Children, Problematic Use of the Internet Section (pages 173-209)
Ask the Experts—Shorts
Effects of binge gaming on youth with ADHD
From the #AskTheExperts webinar "ADHD, Children, and Digital Media"
Parenting Tip Sheets
Boys, Health, and Digital Media
Digital media's effects on boys' health and development: a guide from the experts
Ask the Experts—Webinars
Safe Zone: Children and Online Safety
What can parents and caregivers do to equip youth with the skills and protections needed to keep themselves safe online?