Elizabeth Englander, PhD (Executive Director and Founder, Massachusetts Aggression Reduction Center, Professor of Psychology, Bridgewater State University), argues against focusing on “good” or “bad” apps and instead looking at how kids use apps at #AskTheExperts webinar “Mirror, Mirror, in My Palm: Girls and Media” on September 7, 2022.

[Dr. Elizabeth Englander]: And I do think sometimes as adults, we tend to overfocus on this idea that there’s sort of “bad apps” and “good apps.” What we actually find in our research, which kind of I think dovetails exactly what you were just saying, Lanice, is that apps are used differently by different kids and that actually the apps with the most negative uses, which in our research is Instagram and Snapchat, are also the ones with the most positive uses, which kind of helps explain why kids don’t really want these approaches where we just say, this is a “bad app” or this is a “good app.”

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Ask the Experts—Webinar

Mirror, Mirror, in My Palm: Girls and Media

How does online media affect girls' mental and physical health as they navigate through the increasingly tricky waters of social media and digital interactions?

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