
The growing ease of access to social media and the internet has, unfortunately, also created increased opportunities for bad actors to groom, exploit, and abuse children online.  What do these experiences look like, especially with the rise of Generative AI, and how can we build both caregiver and child awareness to recognize situations and interactions that require extra vigilance or total avoidance?

Children and Screens held the #AskTheExperts webinar “Child Sexual Exploitation and Abuse Online: Virtual World, Real Victims” on Wednesday, September 18 at 12pm ET. Panelists from the Department of Justice, National Center for Missing and Exploited Children and other experts in youth experiences with online exploitation and abuse provided parents and caregivers with the information they need to help youth avoid the most common exploitation and abuse scenarios they may face online.


  • Jennifer Newman

    Executive Director, National Center for Missing & Exploited Children
  • Steve Grocki

    Chief of the Child Exploitation and Obscenity Section (CEOS), Department of Justice
  • Dorrian Horsey, CIPP/US

    Attorney, Minc Law
  • Elizabeth Jeglic, PhD

    Professor of Psychology, John Jay College of Criminal Justice
  • Melissa Stroebel

    VP Research & Insights, Thorn

00:00:00 – Introductions by Chief Science Officer of Children and Screens, Dimitri Christakis 

00:01:14 – Jennifer Newman on the importance of parent education about child sexual exploitation to effectively engage their children early on this issue

00:11:43 – Melissa Stroebel on the prevalence of online child exploitation incidents, with survey results from young people

00:22:13 – Follow-up: What age should we start talking to children about online safety and exploitation?

00:24:15 – Elizabeth Jeglic on typical behaviors and characteristics of online sexual grooming and tips for open communication in families

00:37:03 – Dorrian Horsey on the issue of financial sextortion and related tips for parents 

00:47:27 – Follow-up: What recommendations would you give to mitigate risks from online child sextortion and exploitation?

00:50:51 – Steve Grocki on a holistic societal approach to tackling the issue of child exploitation online and new developments in AI-generated images

01:03:44 – Follow-up: How to understand different apps on the market and are some more dangerous than others?

01:10:02 – The panel addresses questions from the audience.

01:10:16 – What are specific risks and considerations for the neurodiverse community?

01:12:20 – How can we keep kids safe online while also allowing them to explore?

01:15:50 – How does law enforcement tackle abuse taking place within the home and children who have access to sexual materials? 

01:27:40 – What are final thoughts on how parents can tackle issues of prevention and messaging with their children?

01:32:43 – Wrap-up with Children and Screens’ Chief Science Officer Dimitri Christakis

A full transcript for this webinar will be made available soon.