Motahhare Eslami, PhD (Assistant Professor of Computer Science, Human-Computer Interaction Institute & Software and Societal Systems Department, Carnegie Mellon University) shares research on children’s awareness of algorithmic biases—and their thoughts on how to address these biases–at the #AskTheExperts webinar “Algorithms 101: Youth and AI-Driven Tech” on November 15, 2023.
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[Dr. Motahhare Eslami] And the goal was to understand can really kids or youth know about these biases. So what we did was we showed them some results of algorithmic-curated content and we asked them if they are fair. And we intentionally had some nuanced biases. For example, this is a search if you search for “wedding,” and if you look at this, this is particularly western. This is all heterosexual couples. There’s not much interracial marriage here. And the kids really noticed also, they were really good. They were like, “only young people, white marrying white, black marrying black, there’s no gay and lesbian.”So they are really better than maybe we think they are. And then we also talked about what does a “fair” algorithmic system means? For example, this is a search for a computer programmer. They talked about, “Oh, there are more men in computer programming.” Does it mean that the algorithmic search results should show that or should it inspire an ideal world? So they are knowing about these nuanced contemplations.
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Algorithms 101: Youth and AI-Driven Tech
What can families do about the growing influence of algorithmically-delivered content on youth’s development, preferences, and minds?
Imran Ahmed
Founder and CEO, Center for Countering Digital Hate
Ranjana Das, PhD
Professor in Media and Communication, University of Surrey
Amy Ogan, PhD
Associate Professor of Learning Science, Human-Computer Interaction Institute, Carnegie Mellon University
Elvira Perez Vallejos, PhD
Professor Mental Health and Digital Technologies The University of Nottingham
Motahhare Eslami, PhD
Assistant Professor of Computer Science, Human-Computer Interaction Institute & Software and Societal Systems Department, Carnegie Mellon University