Taína Coleman, MA, MEd (Education Specialist, Learning and Development Center, Child Mind Institute), discusses the skillsets that make up executive functioning and how many of today’s teens and tweens (particularly youth with ADHD) struggle to use these skills to complete tasks at the #AskTheExperts webinar “Driven to Distraction: Media Use, Attention, and Cognition” on Wednesday, April 10, 2024.

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[Taína Coleman] We understand that executive function can be, or is a set of processes that’s involved – I kind of think of it like air traffic control, like an airport, in which we’re trying to coordinate and organize thinking and emotional functions to complete a task and meet goals. We’re looking at working memory, prioritizing, organizing, sequencing, managing time and planning, attending, initiating and focus, social-emotional skills around inhibition, as well as communicating cognitive flexibility and shifting. And these skill sets are what we might need to balance to complete tasks. And lots of our teens and tweens are struggling to complete tasks, especially those with ADHD.

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Ask the Experts—Webinar

Driven to Distraction: Media Use, Attention and Cognition

How do hours spent daily on digital media affect children’s attention spans, multitasking skills, and cognitive functions? How are digital platforms affecting how youth interact with the real world?

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