Kishonna Gray, PhD (Associate Professor, University of Kentucky) discusses how video games can facilitate safe spaces and community building for marginalized and vulnerable populations of youth at the #AskTheExperts webinar “State of Play: The Ins and Outs of Healthy and Problematic Video Gaming” on March 20, 2024.
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[Dr. Kishonna Gray]: A lot of parents want to know why are the kids spending so long in those spaces? I have to let them know, I’m like, that’s the spaces where they have community, this is where they’re safe to be themselves, this is where they’re safe to be out, this is where they’re safe to to be trans, these are where they’re safe to do those things inside there. And so I help, you know, parents understand, you know, those how those spaces allow for some certain protection around anonymity. You know, there’s also endless, like narratives inside the games that they’re playing. But that socialization and that community-building are really key, especially for a more marginalized and more vulnerable population so they can engage.
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State of Play: The Ins and Outs of Healthy and Problematic Video Gaming
Video gaming has become a near-universal activity with children. Which features in popular video games can promote (or hinder) their cognitive development and mental health?
Douglas Gentile, PhD
Distinguished Professor in Liberal Arts and Sciences, Department of Psychology, Iowa State University
Nick Ballou, PhD
Postdoctoral Researcher, Oxford Internet Institute
Adam Gazzaley, MD, PhD
Founder & Executive Director, Neuroscape; David Dolby Distinguished Professor of Neurology, Physiology and Psychiatry, University of California San Francisco
Kishonna Gray, PhD
Associate Professor, University of Kentucky
Alok Kanojia, MD, MPH
President & Co-Founder, Healthy Gamer