Psychologist Ed Spector, PsyD, notes gendered patterns of youth with tech addiction at #AskTheExperts webinar “Bringing Up Boys in a Digital World” on September 14, 2022.
[Dr. Ed Spector]: I always assumed that gender-wise, there’d be a spread. There might be more males than females, but there would be sort of a mixture. And that never panned out the way that I thought it would. Based on the literature, you’d think that there would be a mix. But just for a point of data, 100% of my clients who are coming for tech addiction, they’re assigned to gender at birth as male, 100%, for 12 years, with no exceptions that I can think of.
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Bringing Up Boys in a Digital World
How does the prevalence of pornography, video games, and violent media content affect boys’ mental health and behaviors, and how can parents and educators help male youth engage more thoughtfully with the media influences in their lives?
Andrew Reiner, MFA, MS
Desmond Upton Patton, PhD
Brian and Randi Schwartz University Professor; Director
Jason Nagata, MD, MSc
Assistant Professor
Ed Spector, PsyD
Licensed Psychologist
Soraya Giaccardi
Senior Researcher