Psychologist Ed Spector, PsyD, discusses how over-controlling a child’s media use can lead to a fear of punishment and a lack of communication with adults at moments when they are needed most at #AskTheExperts webinar “Bringing Up Boys in a Digital World” on September 14, 2022.
[Dr. Ed Spector] If you have a sort of a “policing state” where you’re being too controlling and succeeding or not, they’re not going to open up with you because they’re going to be worried that you’re going to punish them. And then when they really need you the most, when really something bad happens, they aren’t going to reach out to you and ask for help. And they need us because their frontal lobes are just not developed. And so while they will adopt the technology way quicker than us and they’ll really like know how to do all this stuff that we don’t, what they don’t have is that frontal lobe. They don’t have the problem-solving skills that we have. They don’t have the wisdom that comes with age so that we can issue-spot and know like, “Hey, I think that’s not going to go well.”
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Bringing Up Boys in a Digital World
How does the prevalence of pornography, video games, and violent media content affect boys’ mental health and behaviors, and how can parents and educators help male youth engage more thoughtfully with the media influences in their lives?
Andrew Reiner, MFA, MS
Desmond Upton Patton, PhD
Brian and Randi Schwartz University Professor; Director
Jason Nagata, MD, MSc
Assistant Professor
Ed Spector, PsyD
Licensed Psychologist
Soraya Giaccardi
Senior Researcher