Elizabeth Englander, PhD (Director, Massachusetts Aggression Reduction Center;Professor of Psychology, Bridgewater State University), suggests parents frame discussions and rules about smartphone use by children around health rather than safety at #AskTheExperts webinar “Ready, Set, Smartphone: A Guide for Families” on August 23, 2023.
[Dr. Elizabeth Englander] Kids can sometimes kind of be saturated with the idea of safety, but they can be very receptive to the idea of health, and so sometimes posing things not so much as, you know, “What rules will keep you safe?”, but also “What rules will keep you healthy?” “How can we focus our rules so that you have time to play outside, so that you have time to help us cook dinner, so that you have time to play games with the family so that we have a Sunday now and then where we all put our devices away and go for a hike together?” Anything like that, where you’re sort of emphasizing to them that, “Yes, we’re all going to have to live with technology, but we also have to have a life and we have to be healthy. And that means we have to have relationships and mental health and we have to talk with each other and and all these other things.”
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Ready, Set, Smartphone: A Guide for Families
How should families determine whether a child is “ready” for a smartphone?
Elizabeth Englander, PhD
Director; Professor of Psychology
Meryl Alper, PhD
Associate Professor of Communication Studies
Stephen Balkam
Founder & CEO
Devorah Heitner, PhD
Elizabeth Milovidov, PhD, JD