Ask the Experts—Shorts
Talking with Younger Children about Violent News Events
From #AskTheExperts webinar "Media Violence and Its Impact on Youth"
Ask the Experts—Shorts
Youth Anxiety and Media Coverage of Traumatic Events
From #AskTheExperts webinar "Media Violence and Its Impact on Youth"
Ask the Experts—Webinars
Blood, Sweat, and Fears: Understanding the Psychological Effects of Graphic and Violent Media
What are the short and long-term psychological, social and behavioral impacts of violent media on children and adolescents?
Parenting Tip Sheets
Blood, Sweat and Fears
Understanding the Psychological Effects of Graphic and Violent Media on Children and Teens
Ask the Experts—Webinars
Parenting Just Children: A How-To Conversation About Race, Social Justice Activism, and The Media
How can families, educators and clinicians talk with children, students, and patients about race and ways that families can help create a more socially just society?
Ask the Experts—Webinars
The Porn Conversation: The Effects of Pornography on Youth and How to Talk About It
Porn is increasingly a source of sex education for youth. How can parents talk with young people about pornography in a digital age?