Ask the Experts—Webinars
Picture Perfect? Teens, Media, and Social Comparison
How does digital media use affect adolescent social comparison, identity, well-being, body image, and more?
Ask the Experts—Webinars
Persuasive Technology
What is persuasive technology and how does it influence children's digital media use?
Ask the Experts—Webinars
Win or Lose: What to Do About Videogaming
What should families know about video gaming, its effects on child development, and how to manage children's video game use?
Parenting Tip Sheets
Win or Lose
Tips to Promote Healthy, Social, and Appropriate Videogame Play Amidst the Pandemic
Ask the Experts—Shorts
Video Gaming and Parent Attitudes
From #AskTheExperts webinar “Win or Lose: What to Do about Videogaming”
Ask the Experts—Shorts
Developmental impacts of video game content
From the #AskTheExperts webinar "Win or Lose: What To Do About Video Gaming?”
Ask the Experts—Webinars
Parenting Just Children: A How-To Conversation About Race, Social Justice Activism, and The Media
How can families, educators and clinicians talk with children, students, and patients about race and ways that families can help create a more socially just society?
Ask the Experts—Shorts
Parenting for Inclusivity and Racial Justice
From #AskTheExperts webinar "Parenting Just Children: A How-To Conversation about Race, Social Justice Activism, and The Media"