Jason Nagata, MD, MSc (Associate Professor of Pediatrics, University of California, San Francisco) discusses the associations between parenting practices around screen use and problematic internet uset by youth at #AskTheExperts webinar “Screen Extremes: Children and Digital Addictions” on August 31, 2023.
[Dr. Jason Nagata] Finally, parents of adolescents in the ABCD study were also asked about their own media parenting practices, and we examined how these media parenting practices were associated with problematic use in the adolescent. And overall that we found that the greater parents’ screen use, and parents allowing or having meals-mealtime screen use or bedtime screen use was associated with greater problematic use across the different modalities. And parental monitoring was associated with lower problematic social media and mobile phone use. And parental restriction of screen use was associated with low or lower problematic use across the three modalities. Again, these are again with very young adolescents.
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Screen Extremes: Children and Digital Addictions
Many children and teens spend several hours daily on screens for entertainment. When does heavy use of digital media turn into an addiction, and what can parents do?
Marc N. Potenza, MD, PhD
Albert E. Kent Professor of Psychiatry, Director
Naomi Fineberg, MBBS, MA, MRCPsych
Professor of Psychiatry; Consultant Psychiatrist
Jason Nagata, MD, MSc
Associate Professor of Pediatrics
Clifford Sussman, MD
Child, Adolescent, and Adult Psychiatrist; Internet and Gaming Addiction Specialist; Volunteer Clinical Faculty
Elaine Uskoski
Video gaming addiction speaker, author, and coach; Family Coach