Pediatric ophthalmology specialist Kenneth Sorkin, OD, reviews recommendations for child ocular health around digital media use at #AskTheExperts webinar “Eyes on Screens: Maintaining Your Kids’ Ocular Health in a Digital World” on December 16, 2020.
[Dr. Kenneth Sorkin]: So again, screens are not evil. They’re great teaching tools. Think of Sesame Street. Think of all the programming kids have. It teaches critical thinking. It teaches basic social skills, math skills and literacy. The proper use of electronics has to be tailored for each stage of life. Do not just give your child a device and assume they know how to use it. Again, comprehensive eye exams. We don’t know how your child is focusing unless they have a dilated cycloplegic eye exam to know how their eyes are functioning. And of course, if they’re healthy. The four rules: proper distance, good lighting, take rest breaks, get outside. Look for signs that your child is being adversely affected. You must observe- observe them if they’re blinking too much, if they’re rubbing their eyes, if they’re getting headaches. Take an active role in monitoring your child. Set a good example. At the very least, your eyes will feel better too.
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Eyes on Screens: Maintaining Your Kids’ Ocular Health in a Digital World
How does screen time affect children's eye health?
David B. Granet, MD, MHCM, FACS, FAAO, FAAP
Director; Professor of Ophthalmology & Pediatrics
Kenneth Sorkin, OD, FAAO
Saoirse McCrann, PhD
Doctor of Optometry; Senior Science Writer
Mark Rosenfield, MCOptom, PhD
Professor; Editor-in-Chief
Lauren Hale, PhD
Professor of Family, Population and Preventative Medicine
Ken Nischal, MD, FRCOphth
Chief; Director; Professor of Ophthalmology