
Ally Phan is an 18-year-old from Seattle, WA. Ally is on the teen advisory board at #HalfTheStory, the first youth-led non-profit dedicated to improving the next generation’s relationship with technology. As #HalfTheStory’s Social Media Coordinator, Ally is responsible for developing the content strategy and leading the teen creator collective. Ally is passionate about amplifying the voices of her peers to inspire change.

My digital resolution for 2024 is to use my social media platforms to create and share valuable content whether that be my wins or projects rather than scrolling and consuming mindlessly.

I think the most prevalent issue facing youth today when it comes to tech and digital media is the lack of education and tools we have to be able to tackle digital challenges. When we first got phones and started consuming social media, unlike driving or even learning a sport, we were not equipped with strategies for having a positive relationship with tech nor were we made aware of the dangers that come with being exposed to the digital world.

With organizations like #HalfTheStory doing powerful work, I am hopeful that more people, youth and adults alike, will realize the dangers of digital media on all aspects of our wellbeing.

With five younger siblings, I have a lot of advice I could share but if there’s one thing that I think is super important, it’s that we shouldn’t blame ourselves for our digital media addictions or the negative impacts that we’ve had to experience because of digital media. Instead, we should ask how can I make it so that digital media adds more value to my life and how can I use it to enhance my offline interactions? But really, it’s just important to get offline and seriously delete those social media apps regularly (I delete TikTok right after I am done checking it–highly recommended!).

I feel that the older generations tend to see digital media as something teens are just hooked on, however, it also comes with a lot of positives, aspects that older generations may not be as familiar with. For instance, being able to explore our passions and express creativity is a pretty big aspect and finding a community that we eventually bring IRL is super powerful as well. I also think it would be huge if all generations really came together and tackled this issue together.

Having honest conversations about digital media habits and being open-minded when it comes to screens and technology really helps kids understand that their relationship with tech isn’t something that should make them feel guilty but rather excited to create those safe online habits and positive online experience.

About the 2024 Digital Media Youth Voices Campaign

#DigitalMediaYouthVoices24 provides a glimpse into the hopes and concerns of youth leaders in the digital space. Using their own words, the campaign aims to elevate and amplify the voices of youth themselves as they work to create a healthy digital future.